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Business Review

Do you need help understanding your business finances?  Do you want to grow your business?  We can help answer your questions and put you back in the driving seat.

The Future Strategy business review gives you a deep insight into your company’s financial and operational position.

Giving you the best chance of making the strategic decisions that will lead you to future success.

Do you need help understanding how your business stands financially? Do you struggle to stay on top of the company’s key indicators? Are you unable to see how to develop the business or unsure where to invest your time, money, and energy?

We can help you answer those questions and put you back in the driving seat. Easing your worry around the actual state of the company and how best to tackle problems you may not even be aware of.

It’s crucial when things are not running how you would like not to put your head in the sand and hope for the best. But, equally, when you are caught up in the day-to-day running, it can be challenging to see the decisions that will have the most impact.

Our in-depth business review is proven to help struggling entrepreneurs and business owners, covering these core areas:

  • Financial position, including profit and loss, cash flow, and the capabilities of your management team.
  • Analysis of your market and the long-term viability of the business.
  • Business planning, including financial accounting and the best strategies for marketing your business.

If you would like to book a business review with our team, get in touch today, and we can ease your worries about the present and future direction of your company.

What does a diagnostic business review cover?

The business reviews provided by Future Strategy involve carrying out a full audit or a business health check of a company’s financial and operational position.

The diagnostic business review is designed to find areas in the company that need attention and provide recommendations on correcting these problems.

By carrying out this review, our expert team can analyse areas of potential concern and then offer real, workable solutions to these issues before it’s too late.

We undertake a thorough analysis of several different aspects of your business, including:

  • Management team capabilities.
  • Forecasts of profit, cash flow, and revenue.
  • Liabilities and assets.
  • Performance and historical financials.
  • Servicing of debt.
  • Requirements of working capital.

Our review team will also look at critical issues that may affect your business, including:

  • Long-term viability.
  • Your competition.
  • Dynamics of the market.
  • The expectations and objectives of your creditors and stakeholders.
  • Any legislation that affects your business and the industry in general.
  • Considerations of lenders.

What happens during a diagnostic business review?

First of all, you’ll be asked to complete a diagnostic questionnaire. Our team will also ask you to send copies of your:

  • Business plan.
  • Up-to-date company accounts.
  • Management accounts.
  • Marketing strategy and plan (including your sales plan),
  • Debt ledger.

Once the requested documents are received, you’ll have a meeting to go through the answers before everything is analysed compiled, including your plan of action. This will outline any recommendations for your business.

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